Thursday, October 17, 2013

MSCRM - Data Types available with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011

When creating custom fields in Microsoft Dynamics CRM (CRM), the following data types are available to you as a customizer.

Single Line of Text – This is the simplest field type and is a string attribute.  The length can be defined between 1 and 4000 characters.  This field has special formatting if desired for storing Email, Text Area, Ticker Symbol, and Url.  Using email will create a mailto link for that field.  Ticker Symbol will provide a quote for the ticker entered into the field when the value is clicked.  Url will display a link to the value entered in the field.  Text Area can be displayed as more than one line on the form.

Option Set – This is commonly referred to as a pick list or drop down field.  A user is only allowed to select from the choices provided.  A “blank” value is acceptable.  A default value can also be defined.  NOTE: If you have an option set that will be used on other entities in your deployment, you will want to create a global option set for system consistency.

Two Options – This is similar to an option set but only contains two values, Zero (0) and One (1).  The display of those values can be changed to represent whatever you like. No (0) and Yes (1) are common display values for this field.  Another interesting note about this field is that it can be displayed on the form as a pick list, radio buttons, or check box.  The value is set in the form designer after the field is placed on the form.

Multiple Lines of Text – This field is similar to Single Line of Text, however, it can store much more data than Single Line of Text.  This field will be displayed as more than one line on the form.

Date and Time – This field stores date and time data.  You can choose to have both the Date and Time displayed or only the Date portion.

Lookup – This field represents a link to another entity.  It will create a 1:N relationship in the database with this field representing the “1” side of the relationship.

The fields below are different ways to store numerical values in CRM.  In all cases, you can set minimum and maximum values.  This is valuable if you want to constrain data entry to non-negative
values or from 0 to 100 for example.  The minimum and maximum values are different for each data type and are set at the minimum and maximum range when the field is created.

Whole Number – This field allows you to store round (or whole) numbers, meaning no decimal points.  The whole number field has different types which can be selected for Duration (activity), Time Zone, and Language (multilingual support).

Floating Point Number – This field allows for numeric values with up to five (5) decimal points.  The precision of this field is arbitrary, which means it can be used to represent both very large numbers as well as very small numbers.

Decimal Number – This field stores numeric values with up to ten (10) decimal points.  The precision of this field is absolute.

Currency – This field is used to store monetary values.  Based on your currency settings, the correct currency symbol is also displayed such as the dollar sign or euro symbol.  It can also hold up to four (4) decimal points.

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