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Monday, December 2, 2013
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MSCRM - Error : ActivityFeeds.Plugins: ActivityFeeds.Plugins.ActivityClose

After adding a plugin and published, every time I try to add a new Account and get a failure. The error message like :
Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: An error occurred. Contact a system administrator or refer to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK troubleshooting guide.Detail:
<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i="" xmlns="">
  <ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1="">
      <d2p1:value xmlns:d4p1="" i:type="d4p1:string">0</d2p1:value>
  <Message>An error occurred. Contact a system administrator or refer to the Microsoft Dynamics CRM SDK troubleshooting guide.</Message>
  <InnerFault i:nil="true" />

[ActivityFeeds.Plugins: ActivityFeeds.Plugins.ActivityClose]
[666ee08c-a126-e311-8e0c-0050569aa3d9: ActivityFeeds.Plugins.ActivityClose: Create of  any Entity]


There is an solution from Here on the problem, and the detail is:

The error code -2147220891 can be converted to the hexadecimal version using Windows Calculator. To do this open calculator and change the mode to Programmer. Then paste the number -2147220891. Then press the negative button to make the number negative. Finally change the value to hexadecimal by changing the mode from DEC to HEX. You will get FFFFFFFF80040265 which is 0x80040265. You can then search using a search engine and find that the error means: Error Message: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. This error is very generic and does not help much at this point.
It could be that the Activity Feeds solution is not configured correctly. I believe the best way to continue troubleshooting this problem would be to open a support request with Dynamics CRM Support. Once that is open the support engineer will be able to collect tracing from the CRM Online server deployment. Tracing is needed to get a better idea of what failed when the Activity Feeds solution executed. The tracing will need to be collected when you reproduce the error so be prepared to reproduce the issue when the engineer is ready to collect the traces.
Alternatively you could try to disable the Activity Feeds solution for the account entity. This blog covers enabling an entity for Activity Feeds, but I would assume that it has some step to disable as well.
"...To disable Activity Feeds for an Entity, you will need to click to choose an Entity from Post Configuration grid and click Delete. Publish the change to take it effect."
Finally,  after disabled the the ActivityFeeds.Plugins from solution, CRM came back working.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Thursday, October 17, 2013
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MSCRM - Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011: Field Formats

The field data types and formats are rather limited in MS CRM. As a programmer, I'm accustomed to having my cake and eating it too. One of the unfortunately frustrating aspects of using a solution framework is needing to work outside the borders. Things the framework handles natively, are inherently easy to do and a great time saver. Once you move out of that box, it can get dodgy. 

MSCRM - Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 iPad App

MSCRM - Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 iPad App

The official Microsoft Dynamics CRM IPad application was released onto the Apple store on October 7th 2013. Many of our clients have been asking for a suitable MS CRM IPad application for years and although there have been several vendor offerings and mobile client workarounds, this official application should satisfy the typical mobile worker’s needs.

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MSCRM - What’s new in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013: New Features & Comparison of MS Dynamics CRM 2011 vs 2013

This post, What’s new in Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013, lists the main new features in Dynamics CRM 2013 and compares them to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 where applicable (Crm 2013 Vs. CRM 2011). At the bottom of the comparison table, you will find links for the most important Dynamics CRM 2013 resources which are the customer center, developer center and Tech IT Pro Center. You will also find some informational files about Dynamics CRM 2013 and which are published by Microsoft.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013
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MSCRM - Disable Duplicate Detection Save button on Popup

Quick Overview:
CRM 2011 allows you to create duplicate detection rules that will attempt to find duplicates on criteria you select. However, the user has the ability to save the record regardless. My first inclination was to create a couple of reference entities and utilize the Create and Update message of the plug-ins. After talking with some other CRM guys, I've learned that handling writing of any entity is just too costly.
This technique I will describe below will change the behavior of the duplicate detection view duplicates page. If you don't want to do this proceed no further.

1. Navigate to your CRM instance on your app server.
2. Navigate to \CRMWeb\Tools\DuplicateDetection\ViewDuplicates\
3. Edit this file in Visual Studio or Notepad.
4. Add this line to the ShowPage() javascript member or any member that is called by onLoad():
5. Save your change.

This simply disables the button as you can tell. The fun part would be to allow not allow by the current user's role. I suggest using WhoAmI() or any AJAX call to accomplish what you want.

From :
Thursday, August 29, 2013
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MSCRM - Creating a Check-Box

1. Create a new field, select the type as 'Two Options', by default you will get the values of 'Yes and No', customize them if you want. save and close the field.
2. Drag the field to the form and place it on one of the placeholders, at your own desired location.
3. Double click on the field, and the field properties window should open.
4. In field properties go to the formatting tab.
5. There you will see a 'control formatting' drop down, (by default its value will be 'Two Radio Buttons' )
from that drop down, select the 'check box'.
6. Save and Publish, you should now have a checkbox on your form.
Friday, August 16, 2013
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MSCRM - Modify the Parent & Child relationship

Parent & Child relationship of Entities should be well defined at the beginning. If you want to change the entity relationship after data imported to the system, you will find that the relationship of existing records do not automatically re-build as using the new definition.

To resolve this issue, you can using the re-parent setting to re-assign the owner of each records. But if the volume of data is huge, you want to die......

So, another approach is updating the database directly. (But it is an unsupported solution from Microsoft, you need to take your risk!!!)

You want to remove the Account & Contact Parent & Child Inherited relationship, you need to update the table: (assumed you have already changed the Account & Contact relationship setting to "Cascade none")

update PrincipalObjectAccess
set InheritedAccessRightsMask = 0
where ObjectId in (select contactid from ContactBase)

Thursday, August 15, 2013
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MSCRM - Entity Relationship Q&A

Question: Cannot edit Merge and Delete behavior in 1:N entity relationship

In 1:N relationship of Account entity, the delete and merge behaviors appear as 'Cascade All'. Both option sets are read-only and I cannot modify it.

Please advise why is that and how can I modify these behaviors.

The Merge behavior never can be edited, it is a CRM restriction. This value is always "Cascade All" in the 1..N relationships from Account, Contact and Lead, that are the only entities that allow merging. In other entities the value is always "Cascade None".

The Delete behavior can be edited. but not in every cases. In the case of Account this behavior can be edited only in 1..N custom relationships.

From : Dynamics
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MSCRM – Entity Relationships Explained


Entity Relationships is to define the data relationships between two entities in the system metadata.

Dynamics CRM design gives the flexibility to manage the data relationships thru the metadata without touching the underlying SQL database keys.

These settings can be managed within the entity form in the design mode.

Dynamics CRM supports basically supports 2 relationships between any two entities -
1: N and N:N

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MSCRM - Cascade Option on Relationships in Microsoft CRM

In MS CRM, an important relationship between the entities. The following I summarized and quoted from diff. sources to explain the relationships.

Applied to CRM 2011

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